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TVET Council Barbados

National Construction Project to Generate Training for 5000 Persons!

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03 May 2022 12:30 PM
National Construction Project to Generate Training for 5000 Persons!

National Construction Project to Generate Training for 5000 Persons!

More than 5000 men and women will be able to receive training in a variety of areas as part of the Barbados Construction Gateway Training Initiative (BCGTI) project, allowing them to fill various types of jobs created by increased construction activity.

With the increase in construction activity expected to be the largest in Barbados' history, the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training, with the approval of the Planning and Development Department (PDD), is launching the Barbados Construction Gateway Training Initiative (BCGTI) project.

Under this initiative more than 5000 men and women will have the opportunity to receive training in a variety of areas, allowing them to fill various types of jobs created by increased construction activity.

Training will be facilitated by the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology (SJPI), the Barbados Vocational Training Board (BVTB), the TVET Council (TVETC) Barbados, the Barbados Community College (BCC), and the Division of Youth Affairs.

During the BCGTI's launch at the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology (SJPI) on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, Executive Director of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council, Henderson Eastmond, stated in his brief remarks that the TVETC is pleased to be a part of the initiative.

He stated: “A competent and competitive workforce forms the foundation of a strong economy. The TVET Council is therefore happy to be a part of the Barbados Construction Gateway Training Initiative (BCGTI) because as our slogan says: TVET – that is the discipline of Technical and Vocational Education and Training - is the key to a world class workforce!”

While emphasizing that the BCGTI is an opportunity to embark on not just a job but rather a career which offers opportunities both now and for the future, Mr. Eastmond concluded: “I would like to take this opportunity to remind all would-be trainees of the BCGTI that skills development and training are not one-off activities. Lifelong learning and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) are very important to practitioners in the various jobs, occupations and careers in the construction industry.”

Applications for the first set of training courses commence in April 2022. Classes commence on May 9, 2022.  Interested persons should apply online at   If you are unable to apply online, you may collect a printed copy of the BCGTI application form from either the BVTB; SJPI; BCC; TVET Council; Community Development Department (CDD), Division of Youth Affairs; or Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training (METVT).

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