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TVET Council Barbados

TVET Council and BCC to launch groundbreaking Technical Degree in Game Art and Animation.

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26 Jan 2024 09:02 AM
TVET Council and BCC to launch groundbreaking Technical Degree in Game Art and Animation.

TVET Council and BCC to launch groundbreaking Technical Degree in Game Art and Animation.

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council, in collaboration with the Barbados Community College (BCC), is thrilled to announce the media launch of a pioneering initiative in Barbados – the Technical Degree in Game Art and Animation. This first-of-its-kind programme marks a significant milestone in technical education within the country.

The journey leading up to this remarkable launch began in September 2023 when Henderson Eastmond, executive director of TVET Council, and Annette Alleyne, Principal of the BCC, released a video announcing the introduction of the degree at the college in 2024. The response from the community was overwhelming, with a full cohort of enthusiastic individuals expressing interest across various social media platforms.

The Technical Degree in Game Art and Animation stands out from traditional academic degrees with its emphasis on competence- based learning. Recognising the industry’s demand for graduates who can seamlessly transition into professional settings, the degree focuses on real-world applications rather than theoretical knowledge.

Students in this programme will acquire practical skills, ensuring they are work-ready upon completion.

Alleyne stated that, "What makes this degree different is that the focus is on competency-based skills. When a student completes this programme, they will be work- ready, bringing added value to the world of work beyond theoretical knowledge."

Eastmond added, "The assessment methods will be diverse, including ongoing evaluations and project-based courses. Students will collaborate with industry professionals, working on real-life projects with deadlines, immersing themselves in a simulated work environment."

The TVET Council, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, has played a pivotal role in the development of the occupational standards which form the foundation of the programme. They will continue to support the initiative by overseeing quality assurance, acting as external examiners, and ensuring that the programme maintains high standards. The BCC, which is also celebrating its 55th anniversary, will deliver the courses, providing students with the necessary skills for the job market. The incoming cohort will receive joint certification from both institutions upon completion.

Eastmond emphasised, "The aim is for the student to be competent in each course. We want to deliver the whole programme, assessing the range of topics covered, to ensure the student is fully prepared for the industry."

Alleyne highlighted the significance of the partnership, stating, "The collaboration with the TVET Council allows us to provide support, especially in areas where we may lack internal resources. This partnership enables us to focus on delivering the courses and producing graduates who are work-ready."

Reflecting on the broader impact, Eastmond expressed his excitement about the potential to launch programmes in game programming and game design, further diversifying opportunities for Barbadians also at the college. Additionally, plans are underway for an advanced stage manufacturing technology associate degree, with an eye on product design and development to enhance the skill set of the workforce and contribute to the country's economic growth.

Alleyne shared her personal excitement about the programme, stating that, "animation allows us to create productions that speak to our culture and heritage. On the level of the Barbados Community College, adding another innovative programme to our curriculum is a testament to our commitment to offering diverse and cutting-edge education."

Looking forward to a bright future

As the TVET Council and Barbados Community College unveil this groundbreaking Technical Degree in Game Art and Animation, the stage is set for a new era in technical education in Barbados. The programme not only addresses the current needs of the industry but also opens doors to exciting possibilities for students seeking a hands-on, innovative, and globally relevant education.

The official media launch event is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, January 31, at 10 a.m. at the Jean and Norma Holder Hospitality Institute. Interested persons are encouraged to watch via the livestream on both the TVET Council’s and Barbados Community College’s Facebook and YouTube pages, offering a unique opportunity for the public to witness this historic moment.

For more information on technical degrees visit, or go to the TVET Council or the Barbados Community College's social media platforms or visit their official websites.

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