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TVET Council Barbados



ItemName of Product & ServiceAssociated Fees
#1Standards Development Services
 Development of National Occupational StandardTo be determined (TBD) on contract using established criteria
#2Curriculum Development Services
 Development of Competency Based Curricula$13,000
 Technical assistance in mapping of curricula to occupational standardsTo be determined (TBD) on contract using established criteria
#3Training Services
 Train the Trainer Programme$600
 Assessor Training$700
 Master Assessor Training$500
 N/CVQ Coordinator Training$75
 Internal Verifier Training$200
 External Verifier$700
#4Assessment Services
 Centre ApprovalN/A
 Qualification Approval$450
 Candidate Registration and Certification

$40 (N/CVQ Levels 1&2)

$70 (N/CVQ Levels 3,4&5)

 Awarding Body ServicesTBD on contract using established criteria
 PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment Recognition)

$40 (N/CVQ Levels 1&2)

$70 (N/CVQ Levels 3,4&5)

 PLAR Pre-Assessment$160
 PLAR Assessment$600-$1200 (depending on the number of units for which the candidate has to be assessed.)
 PLAR Quality Assurance$320
 Core Skills Examination

$40 (N/CVQ Levels 1&2)

$70 (N/CVQ Levels 3,4&5)

 Replacement of Certification:


Statement of Competence / Transcript




(N.B. Plus mailing costs where applicable)

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