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TVET Council Barbados

Occupational Safety And Health Level 3 (CVQ)

To be deemed competent in this National Vocational Qualification, you must prove that you have the skills, knowledge and understanding detailed in the units of competence. Your assessor will judge, from your evidence, whether you have demonstrated the skills, knowledge and understanding to the necessary standard. You do not have to pass a written exam or have any previous qualifications to be able to take these qualifications. As work in safety and health requires preparation and use of a wide variety of reports, including numerical information, you will be expected to have a reasonable standard of literacy and numeracy.

Who is this qualification for?

The NVQ will be appropriate for candidates who are working in the area of general safety and health practice or managing the safety and health function.

They may be managers or supervisors who have a specific responsibility for safety and health or they may be newly appointed safety advisers or professionals.

All such practitioners are involved in the identification of hazards, the assessment of risks and determining strategies for control. There are a number of skills that they would all need and use, such as:

  • raising awareness about safety and health within the organisation
  • using information to promote good practice
  • maintaining and enhancing safety and health systems
  • promoting good relationships to enhance safety and health practice

The aim of the overall qualification is to assess the candidate’s ability to:

  • ensure their own actions reduce risks to safety and health
  • monitor procedures to control risks to safety and health
  • develop procedures to control risks to safety and health
  • review safety and health procedures in workplaces
  • promote a safety and health culture within the workplace
  • investigate and evaluate accidents, dangerous occurrence and complaints in the workplace
  • conduct an assessment of risks in the workplace
  • ensure their own actions aim to protect the environment (Additional)
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